Create price quotes. Automatically, without effort.

Bondly is a unique 🇸🇰 Slovak online tool for 📈 quick price quotes, created by the customer. Automatic collection of contacts and company costs saving is just another plus.

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Profit365 Vision Advisory Duofin theMore

Forget about manually creating price quotes

Bondly is a web application, designed for entrepreneurs who need to make their processes more efficient 📉 through the automation of routine activities such as creating price quotes, managing them, and a contact database.

With Bondly, creating price quotes doesn’t take any time 🕜. Spend time only with those clients who are truly interested in your services 💼.

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Benefits for Your Business

Save time and company costs
By reducing the time needed for creating offers and calculations by up to 86%, you save not only time but also company costs, which you can use for further growth of your business. Or your relaxation.
Increase sales and profit
Focus on orders where the client has a real interest. Choose from the most valuable price quotes, according to the quality of the client's responses or other important parameters for you.
Increase work efficiency
No more manual creation of price quotes, which cost you a lot of time and work. Create a template and let the customers do the rest.
Modern price list of services and goods
Give potential clients a sense of control. The client defines their own needs and gets a tailor-made non-binding price quote. Faster than from your competition.
Strategic overview
Make the right business decisions based on data and analysis from Bondly. Gain a real insight into what your clients want.Robte správne obchodné rozhodnutia na základe dát a analýz z Bondly. Získajte skutočný prehľad o tom čo vaši klientí chcú.
Everything in one place
Price quotes, clients, contacts, and the current status of business cases. Everything in one place for a few euros a month with Bondly.

What can you achieve with Bondly?

  • Create a price calculator for offers that will work even without your presence
  • Track the status of business cases, without the need for further
  • Manage price offers and evaluate their success or quality
  • Collect customer contacts and export them to your own CRM system
All features

How Bondly Helped Companies and Entrepreneurs

With the Bondly service, we have improved the process of creating preliminary price offers for potential clients. By implementing this service, we achieved that the process of creating a price offer for bookkeeping is faster and more efficient. Bondly allows the potential client the opportunity to receive a preliminary offer immediately after filling in the basic data that is necessary for the valuation. All quotations are collected in the web interface together with all relevant data, and here you can easily manage individual quotations. The entire Bondly system is simply fast and clear.
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Rastislav Pohanka CEO at Dufoin
Bondly helped us to automate and streamline our internal processes in the company. Thanks to the elimination of the manual work of creating indicative price offers for new inquiries, we can more effectively allocate our time to clients who are genuinely interested in our services. In this way, we can concentrate more on the business and the client's work itself.

We currently use a price calculator for Logo/Brand Creation, UX/UI Audit services, and soon we plan to launch it for our other services as well.
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Jozef Krajčovič CEO at the more - UX/UI Studio
In the consulting business, you need to cover a wide range of customer needs when pricing. You cannot solve this with a classic pricing table. Thanks to Bondly, we have gained better insight into our pricing strategies and their impact on our business. Today, we effectively collect customer requirements and provide them with a general idea of ​​the price as the first in our business.

For us and for our clients, Bondly brings added value and above all saves time on both sides.
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Jozef Ondruška Co-founder Vision Advisory - Sales company
Bondly allowed us to design and implement a price calculator, thanks to which we can automatically prepare a price offer for clients exactly according to their needs. With their flexible and scalable functionality, we were able to quickly respond to changes in the market and customer requirements.

Thanks to Bondly, we have seen an improvement in conversion rates, and our salespeople today focus primarily on qualified leads.
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Juraj Lichner CEO at profit365 - online accounting software
Bondly example - secretary Bondly example - Painter Bondly example - Analytic Bondly example - Maid

Price Calculator Samples

We have prepared samples of price calculators for various services and industries for you. Try out how easily a client can obtain a price quote without any effort on your part.

View samples

Bondly is simple to use
Anyone can use it

First step
Step 1
Create a template

Our colleagues will help you with the creation of the template so it meets your needs.

First step
Step 2
Share your calculator

Directly on your website or via email, in messages, or on social networks.

First step
Step 3
Manage and analyze

Evaluate offers, manage clients, and analyze results.

Arrange a quick demo

Leave us a message, and our colleagues will show you how Bondly works and how it can help you shortly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to proceed after the quote has been generated?
How do I know that someone has created a quote?
Can I use Bondly alone?
Is Bondly limited to use for only one company?
Does Bondly have any usage or user restrictions?
How can I share pricing calculators and forms created in Bondly?
Can I embed Bondly into my website?
If you don't find answer to your question, contact us at