FAQ - frequently asked questions

How to proceed after the quote has been generated?

It all depends on your business processes. Bondly offers you the opportunity to further manage this business case and leads directly in a simple Sales pipeline.

How do I know that someone has created a quote?

After filling in the offer / form / quote, we will send you an email notification about who it was and when. At the same time, we also notify your potential client / lead by email with the output, i.e. the price quote.

Can I use Bondly alone?

You can use Bondly all by yourself because it is a simple but powerful tool. However, if you need help with Bondly setup, calculator configuration or integration, our support will be happy to help you at any time.

Is Bondly limited to use for only one company?

Yes, a Bondly license is always tied to one company. If you have more companies and you would like to use Bondly for each of them, we will be happy to prepare a really attractive pricing for you.

Does Bondly have any usage or user restrictions?

We currently approach each client individually. If it is important for you not to have a limit on the number of users, we can ensure this without any problems.

How can I share pricing calculators and forms created in Bondly?

You can share them individually, via links, for example via e-mail, or you can easily integrate them into your website. If you are interested in a deeper connection with your existing systems, let’s say like a CRM, let us know at info@bondly.sk. We will be more than happy to help you with the integration

Can I embed Bondly into my website?

Yes, you can publish Bondly on any web application you want.

How long will the implementation take?

It all depends on your requirements, but after analyzing and filling in your requirements, you can start using Bondly within a few days.

What is data security?

Bondly is first class secured. For security, we use security standards such as encryption, recaptcha and others. We store data directly in Google Firebase, which is certified according to ISO 27001, SOC, GDPR and CCPA privacy and security standards.

Who is Bondly suitable for? Does that make sense to me?

Bondly is designed for individuals – freelancers, small companies, start-ups and also for established businesses. Bondly can be both a small and practical application as well as a powerful solution for managing the leads from start to finish. It all depends on you, the number of calculators, the complexity you bring into them and the number of potential customers you want to reach. We will be happy to show you how you can make the most of Bondly for your business. Small or big.

Why should we use Bondly?

Bondly saves time spent on price quotes, helps increase the no. of generated offers, and can adapt exactly to the client’s requirements. What is better, all this only to the extent that you allow. It is the items, logic and personalization of the calculator that you control that determine what and how the lead can create the estimation. To keep your business profitable, but at the same time to let you gain a competitive advantage in the number of addressed customers, in the price quote accuracy, flexibility and speed of delivery. All this with minimal extra costs, and flawlessly. In addition, you will find all the contacts for potential customers directly in Bondly and you can start a new business case right away.

How does Bondly work?

Bondly is a simple but powerful web application. It works on computers, tablets and smartphones, always via a web browser. We will create a platform access for your company and guide you through the basic functions. If you do not know how to create the first form/calculator, we will help you with that. As well as with the ability to embed a calculator on your website if you want it to be publicly available. Subsequently, you just distribute the link to your potential clients through your sales and marketing channels such as email, social networks, or as part of the presentation for clients. You then evaluate all price offers created directly in the Bondly tool and as soon as the client creates them.

What is the price of Bondly? Can my company and I afford it?

Certainly yes. Bondly is for everyone and only depends on you or your company what functionality you need, including number of users or type of integration. Bondly is currently in the early stage of the product. That means more features at better price in exchange for the feedback we value so much. Are you interested? Let us know at info@bondly.sk

If you don't find answer to your question, contact us at info@bondly.sk