Tips and Tricks

What costs are associated with the preparation of a price offer

Time is money. Do you really know how long it takes on average to create a price offer in your company? Do you know how many versions of the offer you make, how many times the client returns it to you and you have to redo it? Is there only one person involved in creating a quote or do you have a larger company and you also need input from other departments?

Small businesses

According to our survey from 2021, the creation of a quote for a freelancer or single-person company takes approximately 1 to 2 hours depending on the size and complexity of the project. With an average hourly rate of €35 in this segment of respondents, the cost is €70 per quote. However, it should be noted that this is an offer that may not yet be accepted by the client and may go through other revisions which takes even more time.

Medium companies

For medium-sized companies with up to 15 employees, the creation of a price offer takes 2 to 3 hours at an hourly rate of €45. That’s already €90 for one offer, for only one client, and for only one project. Does it seem profitable to you? It’s not completely impossible. If you have a high margin, high acceptance of offers, little competition or a unique value proposition. Is this your case? Otherwise, you generate a loss in the form of a hidden internal cost.

Big companies and Enterprise

In the case of large companies with more than 50 employees, the creation of the offer is very individual. Hourly rates are over €50 and these are mostly demanding and complex projects, requiring personalization and a tailored approach. However, automation within the pre-sales process can fundamentally help in collecting data from the client in the initial phase and thus obtain structured data for further work on the offer. According to the size of the pre-sales department, this can be a saving of 15% of the time invested.

Generate turnover, not hidden loss

5 offers per month, that’s €450 for a medium-sized company. We don’t count the time required for phone calls, meetings, bid revisions and errors that arise in the process such as incorrect prices, or wrong items.

Depending on the size of the company and the margin in your type of business, this may be a negligible cost. In the case of a freelancer, it is a liquidation amount that could otherwise turn into a turnover if it were a work for a client’s project.

You don’t have this problem with Bondly. You invest the majority of the cost in the form of time once, only at the beginning, when creating a template for your price offers. Subsequently, you just monitor the use of individual templates, leads (who created the offer, when and whether it is worth contacting), evaluate the effectiveness of the offers and optimize your pricing policy based on objective data. Bondly costs a few euros per month, and anyone can learn to use it very quickly. You can also manage existing business cases in it.

Try bondly and get a competitive advantage at

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